Celfocus Hack This Rules!


Hack This is an event designed for the Celfocus security community, where participants will be able to test an application.
Hack This Official URL will be presented on the starting day.

We determine the value of the reward based on the Risk and probability of the reported vulnerability. Important Note: Vulnerability research must NOT be restricted to the vulnerabilities mentioned below, they are for reference only.

Level              Points Earned             Vulnerability

Informational/Low  50 Points Stack Trace, Business Logic Errors without impact
Low  100 - 200 Points URL Redirects, Debug information, Business Logic Errors, Information server or database disclosure, clickjacking.
Medium 300 - 500 Points Reflected XSS, misconfigured CORS,
Server-side request forgery (SSRF), Cryptographic weaknesses, Vulnerabilities in mobile applications or APIs
High 600 - 800 Points Stored XSS, exposed API credentials, SQL injection, Broken access control, XML external entity (XXE) injection, Directory traversal vulnerabilities, IDOR – insecure direct object references, Insecure deserialization.
Critical 1200 - 1500 Points RCE on backend systems, authentication bypass leading to account compromise, privilege escalations from unprivileged to Admin or cross-organizational lateral movement, sensitive data exposure.


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the hack this you must follow the rules shown below:
          - Be registered for the event and assigned to a team.
          - Not be working directly on the project.


The credentials will be delivered to the teams before the event starts. If you need to create more accounts, please contact the application security team.




Generic Rules


Ineligible Vulnerability Types


Reporting Criteria

You will report the vulnerabilities found in vulnerability submission.

The submission fields you will need to fill in:


Our Compromise

The Application security team ensures that points are validated and rewarded accordingly.


Domain will be presented on the starting day.


Only vulnerabilities submitted within the event period will be considered valid.

Communication and notifications

Communications are done through the official channels, Microsoft Teams or other channels defined by the Application Security team before the event starts.

Disclosure Policy

Do not discuss any vulnerabilities (even resolved ones) outside the event without the organization express consent.
All vulnerabilities are classified as confidential.​​​​​​​


Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is this?

A week dedicated to teams looking for security vulnerabilities in "capture the flag" challenges and one of our CELFOCUS products/projects.


Why are we doing this?

Understanding securities vulnerabilities allow us to be better prepared and deliver more secure applications.


How can I join in?

Sign up as a team of three(max.) or individually (we will join you to a team if you wish)

Working as a team, you will be facing these challenges, collecting points and be among the teams to win prizes! All the Product vulnerabilities will use our Vulnerability Management Process scale to classify the vulnerabilities detected.


Can I participate as a single player?

Yes. The Application Security Team will contact before the event to let you know if you want to be added to a team.

We all know multiple brains are better than one.


Are there identified vulnerabilities on CELFOCUS product/project?

No, we are counting on you.


What’s in it for me?  

Besides the thrill of discovering vulnerabilities and learning more about them, you will get to work with an inspiring team and create new connections.

Oh! And if you are among the top three teams you may win awesome electronic gadgets. Additionally, all participants that finds a vulnerability will get an event Merchandize.


Are the prizes for individuals or to be divided by team members?

Each team member will receive individual gift cards.


When can the team start the challenges?

The Application Security Team will advertise the events and inform all the Security Community about the start and end date. Also, there will be an open and close ceremony for every event.

Teams are responsible for creating their own dynamic, time off work etc.


How can I access the Hack This Portal?

The portal should be accessed via our corporate VPN and shared with you before the start of the event.


When will the winners be announced?

The announcement will be shared at the end of the event, in the closing ceremony.


Who can win the top 3 Prizes?

Only teams with 100% of Celfocus personnel will be eligible to win those prizes, however, the thrill, the experience and the Celfocus Merch will be certain for everyone else. So, if you worked with us in the past and want to continue to “play”, you can join the fun!  (If you have a Novabase email, you are considered as Celfocus Personnel in this context)